Artbox Maria Textile, plastic, paper, paint, pearls, picture, wood
Artbox Child Textile, plastic, paper, paint, pearls ,picture, wood
Artbox Buddha Textile, plastic, paper, paint, pearls, picture, wood
Artbox Jesus Textile, plastic, paper, paint, pearls ,picture, wood
Artbox Heart Textile, plastic, paper, paint, pearls, picture, wood
Outside sculpture bench Pictures of nature Ineke Otte Design
Outside sculpture Nature pictures in tree moving in wind. Pictures of nature Ineke Otte Design
Sweet Pink Bunny Plastic, textile, pearls, 24 carat gold, precious stone
Sweet Pink Bunny plastic, textile, pearls, 24 carat gold, precious stone
Raven with a golden heart Plastic, 24 carat goldleaf, metal, goldpaint
Moving Silence Snowsculpture championship Breckenridge Colorado USA 1994 With teams worldwide Block 3 x 3 mtr. of snow and ice
Broken Tension Art in Museum Collection in the Netherlands Wood, printed textiles, paint 5 x 2 mtr.
Green as Grass Sculpture for presentation Grass Jewelry Textile, plastic, silk, porcelain